Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Maybe Scott Jones should become a Mitt Romney donor if he wants some attention from the campaign

$10,000 cash I know you'll be shocked to learn that there's gambling going on at this particular establishment, but:
Per an email to a Romney campaign official from Jack Gerard, President and CEO of the American Petroleum Institute: 'Scott Jones just called my phone looking for Andrea because he has an issue brief for the Gov. on Ampad. Since Andrea is headed to the airport she asked that I pass onto you. Scott is in our database but did not yet make a donation. I wanted to pass along in case this is helpful. If not no worries he is not a donor that needs attention. Thanks, Jack'
My emphasis.

Presumably the fact that Gerard has access to Mitt Romney's donor database means that he's a bundler for Romney, although the campaign hasn't disclosed who its bundlers are (unlike the Obama campaign). And I wouldn't be shocked if the net result of this email leak was to serve as a not-so-subtle reminder to Romney supporters that if they want to be listened to, they'd better pony up some cash.

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