Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Reward for Obama's college transcripts increases to $20,000, because people are dumb

Official portrait of President Obama I'm beginning to think they have
an unhealthy obsession with this guy. One of the wonderful things about Donald Trump is that he's an equal opportunity moron. He doesn't pick just one stupid thing to hitch his inappropriately gilded horse to, he's willing to branch out and opine on lots of stupid things. One of his previous hits was that he "heard" Barack Obama had bad grades in college (that would be in Occidental, not Columbia or Harvard. See, that's an important part of the plot). So how's that little side conspiracy going?

As it turns out, it's still going along just fine in certain circles, thank you very much. And now there's a $20,000 reward for Obama's college transcripts, which according to investibators might show that Obama got middling grades or something?

Last week, a website that already had offered a $10,000 reward for Obama's transcripts from Occidental College, Columbia University and Harvard Law School, increased the bounty to $20,000. [...]

"We're not convinced that Barack is as smart as you media elitists keep insisting he is," says The Trenches, the website that posted the reward. (The Daily Caller outed the responsible party as Brooks Bayne, a conservative blogger who admitted he was behind the reward.)

You may ask yourself why these people, including His Ostentatiousness, Mr. Trump, are so convinced that despite being president of the Harvard Law Review and graduating magna cum laude, Obama must secretly be hiding a history of not being so smart after all. The answer is shut up, that's why. There are a great many people who have invested themselves in the notion of the first non-white president being illegitimate, either because he is not really an American, or because something-something draft card, or because his academic accomplishments were really the result of being coddled by a world full of people bound and determined to make this random kid with an unlikely background into a U.S. president someday. Don't look at the magna cum laude part, look here! He got a C this one time! He's a fraud! (Note: You may recall the last president got fairly dismal grades, and was most definitely what nobody would call "smart." Any day he could string a few coherent thoughts together without butchering any, it was considered a good day. This was described to the world as guy-you'd-like-to-have-a-beer-with, and roundly praised as a Good Thing. Apparently we are no longer allowed to make empirical observations as to which people in public discourse are bright and which ones are blubbering dunderheads, because our betters will take care of ascertaining that, too.)

Personally, I think Obama should release those transcripts. Sure, maybe there would be some deep embarrassment that as a teenager the future president really, really sucked at analyzing classical literature or something, but being able to pocket $20,000 of these losers' money has got to be pretty tempting. That's two whole Romney bets, right there. Give it to charity, or just rent a billboard reading "I spent all your money on this stupid billboard, suckers."

That said, since Donald Trump is involved maybe Obama ought to hold out for considerably more money.

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