Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Texas primary preview

Voters in Texas go to the polls today to pick candidates in the Democratic and Republican primaries; under Texas law, if no one clears 50 percent in a particular race, the top two vote-getters proceed to a July 31 runoff. Our guide to the key races is below, most of which don't look like they'll get settled tonight. A special hat tip is due to Darth Jeff, whose own super comprehensive guide to the Texas primaries was an invaluable resources in drafting this pocket-sized roundup.

' TX-Sen (R): Though there are four "name" candidates running in the GOP primary to succeed Sen. Kay Bailey Hutchison, the race has long been a fight between the establishment frontrunner, Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst, and the movement conservative insurgent, former state Solicitor General Ted Cruz. Monster levels of outside cash have flooded the zone in this super-expensive state over the last month, much of it on behalf of Dewhurst. At this point, Cruz is just hoping to keep Dewhurst from hitting 50 percent and thus forcing a runoff, but a late poll from PPP which put Dewhurst up 46-29 makes Cruz's hopes look slim.

To help guide you through our writeup of Texas's House races, below you'll find zoomable interactive maps of the state's new congressional districts. Due to file size (indeed, things really are bigger in Texas), we've had to split the map into two portions. The first is the northern part of the state; the southern half is below the fold:

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