Thursday, May 31, 2012

Bill Clinton going to Wisconsin to campaign against Scott Walker

Bill Clinton at WWII memorial dedication in 2004 (dbking)

Bill Clinton is going to Wisconsin to help Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett in the final days of the recall campaign against Gov. Scott Walker, two sources tell Greg Sargent, who writes that:

As late as yesterday afternoon, it was still not certain whether Clinton would go to Wisconsin. DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz, in a meeting with Democrats, seemed to suggest that he was trying to determine whether he would go. But neither the DNC nor Clinton's camp would confirm whether it was going to happen, and Democrats cautioned that Clinton had not made up his mind.

But now he will go to Wisconsin, the source confirms.

Polling suggests that while Walker is in the lead, the race is tight, and with few undecided voters, the outcome is very much dependent on turnout. Having the popular ex-president campaign for Barrett in a strategic location (or locations) and give the Barrett campaign a burst of positive press could provide a valuable boost.

Join Bill Clinton in helping defeat Scott Walker by giving $4 to help Tom Barrett win on June 5.

11:19 AM PT: Scott Walker has released more than 7,000 pages of emails thanks to an open records request. The only way to get through them all before the recall is a crowdsourcing effort. Please help by joining that effort.

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