Thursday, May 31, 2012

War on Women trumps jobs, jobs, jobs

John Boehner Speaker John Boehner, this is, um, bullshit. Hahahahaha. No, seriously.
Speaker John Boehner doesn't mince words.

"Let's call bulls--- bulls---," he told House Republicans in a closed meeting this morning.  "This election is about jobs, jobs, jobs."

Gee, what's his House voting on today?
Postponed Suspension (1 Bill)
H.R. 3541' Prenatal Nondiscrimination Act (PRENDA) of 2012, as amended (Rep. Franks ' Judiciary)
What's that? An anti-abortion bill of course, to ban a non-existent practice of women aborting fetuses just because they'll turn into girl babies or black babies.

Boehner's got a really strange idea of what "jobs" means.

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