Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Republican agenda for summer: Tax cuts, Obamacare repeal, gutting regulations, gas prices

Speaker of the House John Boehner (L) and House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va) unveil JOBS Act on Capitol Hill in Washington, February 28, 2012 John Boehner and Eric Cantor,
keeping up the crazy, non-job creating politics.
(Larry Downing/Reuters) The agenda has been set for the House of Representatives and is mashing and rehashing all the statement-making of the past year and a half into several weeks. What is missing, of course, is any real job creation. Majority Leader Eric Cantor sent a memo to his Republican caucus outlining what they're going to be campaigning voting on.
House Republicans this summer will take more swipes at President Barack Obama's health care law, try to slash more regulations and take votes to highlight sky-high gas prices during the travel-heavy season. [...]

Still, health care figures prominently in their agenda. The House will take two votes to further weaken the law'a strategy GOP leaders have employed all year to satiate the hunger of their conference to eat away at the law. In early June, they will vote to repeal a tax on medical devices, which would strip a funding mechanism for the law. And they'll also try to lift a ban on using various types of health savings accounts for purchasing over-the-counter drugs.

Republican leadership of late is seeking to blame the Obama administration and Democrats for gas prices. In mid-June, Republicans plan to pass bills to encourage energy 'production on federal lands and lessen the burden of job-inhibiting red tape.'

Just in case gas prices keep falling, they'll have plenty of nonsense to fall back on. On top of more repeal, they'll have at least two votes on cutting regulations, one of which would make sure Obama couldn't create any new regulations in his 'final days in office.' For the sprinkles on top, they'll probably have a contempt vote on the floor against Eric Holder over the issue they haven't been able to make a scandal, the "Fast and Furious" gun tracking debacle. And the Grover Norquist votes; there will always be keep-taxes-for-the-rich-low votes.

Apparently because of the general "meh" with which Romney has been received in the party, congressional Republicans think they need to keep the crazy base happy with as much government-hating crazy as they can cram into a few months.

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