Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Mitt Romney campaign: President Obama 'has never managed anything'

Mitt Romney with arms spread Mitt Romney casts a spell on his audience, attempting to convince them that the President of the United States of America has never managed anything (Larry Downing/Reuters) Mike Allen previews the Republican muck coming up in the week ahead:
The Romney aide says the campaign will argue that Obama has been 'job-unfriendly' through regulations and 'the negative influence when you do these stimulus grants. It sounds great when you go and promote a business by giving them a grant, but the unintended consequence is it hurt other companies that compete with them.'

A 'Message for the Week' preview from the Romney campaign adds: 'You can't be hostile to business and friendly to job creation. President Obama has never managed anything other than his own personal narrative. He has never created a job and never run a business.'

Sure, he's never managed anything ... except for, you know, the United States government. And as far as that being anti-business, riddle me this, Romneyland: why is private sector job creation actually up under President Obama, while it was down under George W. Bush?
Private sector job growth (source):

Full presidency:
Barack Obama: +35,000
George W. Bush: -646,000

Excluding first year:
Barack Obama: +4,220,000
George W. Bush: +1,771,000

And why is public sector employment down under Obama, while it was up under Bush?
Public sector job growth (source):

Full presidency:
Barack Obama: -607,000
George W. Bush: +1,741,000

Excluding first year:
Barack Obama: -510,000
George W. Bush: +1,199,000

If President Obama is a communist, he sure is a bad one.

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