Monday, May 28, 2012

Missouri pays more than $1,000 to protect Rush Limbaugh statue

Rush Limbaugh mug shot First, Missouri Republicans had a statue of Rush Limbaugh installed in the state capitol at a ceremony guarded by police. Now, the state House has spent more than $1,100 giving Statue-Rush his own personal security camera. This is unprecedented, as The Atlantic Cities' John Metcalfe points out:
All available reports indicate that no other metal Missourian in the chamber requires such constant monitoring, not even John Ashcroft. And the $1,100-plus cost of the camera is being funded by the state's taxpayers, whether they agree with the radio commentator's controversial takes on sluts and ethnic people or not.
While the Limbaugh statue itself was funded by private donations, the decision to give it protection above and beyond what every other famous Missourian honored with a statue gets has caused enough controversy to prompt some laughable excuse-making by House Clerk Adam Crumbliss:
Crumbliss said the special security camera is serving a dual purpose. He said the House has been considering installing cameras in the chamber so that it can have live broadcasts of its session. The camera pointed at the Limbaugh statue outside the chamber can serve as a pilot project to test the resolution and quality of its picture, he said.
A few questions: If existing security cameras were not sufficient to carry out this pilot project, does that mean Statue-Rush's security camera is a higher quality than every other security camera in the Missouri capitol? And were they really planning to use the same quality of camera for monitoring the safety of a bronze statue and broadcasting the state government in action? Alternative phrasing: How full of shit is Missouri House Clerk Adam Crumbliss?

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