Thursday, May 24, 2012

Today in Congress: FDA bill finally underway; student loans up next

Russell Senate Office Building.Photo by John Webb Recapping yesterday's action:

The Senate finally did reach an agreement on amendments to the FDA bill, which means they also finally did agree to agree to their prior agreement that they'd stop debating whether or not to start debating the bill, and start actually debating it. Awesome! Go Senate!

They also agreed to the reauthorization of the Kennedy Center, completed the Rule XIV process on the Paycheck Fairness Act and the Republican-sponsored RAISE Act (to amend federal labor law to allow employers to award merit pay in violation of existing union contracts), and passed a bill removing the word "lunatic" from all prior federal legislation. Hopefully, they have at least 100 instances of the word's appearance, so that each one of them can have one to wear on their lapels.

Looking ahead to today:

Today's Senate schedule is heavy with amendments to the FDA bill, now finally underway. And if they can move quickly through them and on to final passage, the way is clear for consideration and possibly even passage of the Stop Student Loan Interest Rate Hike Act, and the Republican substitute version.

Could be a long day! But hang on, recess is coming!

Today's floor and committee schedules appear below the fold.

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