Saturday, May 26, 2012

The Chronicles of Mitt: May 25, 2012

pen on paper: 'Dear diary'   Hello, human diary! It is I, Mitt Romney, your better.

My staff has informed me that, as a promotional tool, I have agreed to a dinner with Donald Trump. Apparently we are raffling off the opportunity for donors to attend the dinner with us, which implies there will be photography involved as well. I cannot recall agreeing to this, but apparently I did. I am already dreading this. It is one thing to use the man as a surrogate, but having to spend an evening with him seems a bit ... much.

I note from the morning papers that Peggy Noonan has written up her story on me (the one she interviewed me for, that is). I am not sure I realized that running for president would involve talking to so many distasteful people. At least Trump is a unit of some wealth; I am not sure about Noonan. On the plus side, she mentioned my habit of writing these diaries in her report, which I believe can only help increase their eventual value. She even mentioned how Ann and I enjoyed reading past entries, so that we could remember what had happened on individual days! I cannot wait to read this entry with Ann, later. Hello, Ann! It is me, Mitt Romney, writing this to you! Ha ha ha.

Noonan wrote in her story that I had regretted saying I enjoyed firing people. I had been careful to explain to her that the statement was taken out of context, and did not reflect my true views. I told her that what I had meant to say is that I enjoyed firing entire companies full of people, such as health insurance companies. I hope my clarification to her will result in the end of that particular controversy.

Today is a travel day, Mr. Diary (I am flying to my California house, from my Massachusetts house). It is just as well. After learning about this Trump dinner event, I feel I need some time to myself. The last time I talked with Mr. Trump he would not stop talking about the accoutrements of his private airplane, which was unbearable. This airplane may not be as lavishly decorated as Mr. Trump's own conveyance, but it has the decided advantage of not having Mr. Trump onboard. I find this a quite pleasant experience.

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