Monday, May 7, 2012

Why did Mitt Romney invite treason accuser to elaborate?

This will probably be overlooked, but Mitt Romney didn't merely fail to reject the accusation of treason made against President Obama by a Romney supporter earlier today, he also invited that very same supporter to cite specifics'and when she did, Romney said he would be "happy to" look into them. Here's the relevant portion of the exchange (the earlier portion is here):

The woman said she was concerned about executive orders supposedly limiting the ability to protest in the vicinity of the Secret Service. Romney did not take a position on her concern, but he did say he was "happy" to look into it. He offered some conjecture on why he might or might not agree with the orders, but voiced general displeasure with the actions taken by the government, apparently trying to suggest sympathy for the woman's position without actually embracing it.

But even though he invited the woman to get specific and tried to show sympathy for her views, when Romney was asked by a reporter whether he agreed with her, he said "No, of course not." And as offensive as it was to see Romney coddle the lunatic fringe of his political base, it's just as offensive to watch him try to deny having done it when confronted by a different audience. And the one thing this episode makes absolutely clear is that the only thing that Mitt Romney is willing to take a stand against ... is anything that he believes stands in his way.

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