Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: Two stories which sum up Dick Lugar's campaign perfectly

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' IN-Sen: I'm having a hard time deciding which last-minute vignette is most emblematic of Dick Lugar's failing bid for renomination. Either this one:

In the closing days of the campaign, Lugar has focused on what might happen if he's no longer in the Senate.

He said his signature program, the nuclear threat reduction program he co-sponsored with former U.S. Sen. Sam Nunn of Georgia, would fall by the wayside.

"I'm the only one that can convince people, regardless of administration, regardless of Congress, that it's still important that there are 5,000 nuclear warheads aimed at us, and I'm determined in my lifetime to try to remedy that," he said.

Or this one:
Sen. Dick Lugar is accusing tea party members of trespassing on his family farm and erecting 'Retire Lugar' signs on the eve of the Senate primary.

The six-term Republican incumbent said Monday he was alerted by his son that members of the Owen County tea party climbed over a fence at his Marion County farm to take down his campaign signs and put up their own.

"[They] had their pictures taken in front of a sign that said, 'Dick Lugar, tree farmer of the year, 2003,'" Lugar said during a stop at an assisted living facility, speaking from notes to recount the episode to reporters. "Then they had the audacity to put this on their Twitter accounts and Twitter it out' so that everybody would know that these people had trespassed our farm."

The first is a perfect distillation of how incapable Lugar has been of addressing the main concerns of Republican primary voters: the economy and sticking it to Barack Obama. Do you think they really want to hear about bi-partisan efforts to stem nuclear proliferation? Only Dick Lugar does.

Meanwhile, in the second, Lugar is almost literally reduced to crying out, "Hey you kids, get off my lawn!" (The tea partiers claim it wasn't their baseball that shattered Lugar's window they didn't trespass and merely "place[d] signs in the public easement.") Either example showcases just how disconnected and out-of-touch Lugar's entire campaign has been, and tonight, voters will render the final verdict.

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