Thursday, May 3, 2012

Wall Street stooge Scott Brown reverts to 'Elizabeth Warren is an elitist' refrain

Sen. Scott Brown, Grover Norquist pawn

The same day the Boston Globe reported that Sen. Scott Brown is a top beneficiary of Wall Street money, Brown was back to trying to do his regular guy schtick by saying his opponent, Elizabeth Warren, has an "elitist attitude."

Asked about a release by his campaign, which labeled Warren an "elitist hypocrite" for declining to pay a slightly higher income tax rate in her Massachusetts filing, Brown told reporters:
"Listen, the bottom line is the way that she's approaching things, knowing better than others how to do things. The federal government can do things better than individual businesses and individuals, I think there is an elitist attitude there in the way that she's communicating to us as citizens and telling us how to do things, who should be taxed, who should not be taxed. I'm going to continue to do what I've always done and that's find solutions.'
Of course, Brown has absolutely no problem with Grover Norquist telling him who should and should not be taxed. He votes accordingly, helping Republicans filibuster against tax increases for millionaires and for big oil that would help the middle class. The solutions Brown looks for are the same solutions Republicans always look for, protecting the wealthy. That's precisely what he did in in the Dodd-Frank bill, extorting Democrats by holding out his vote in return for a protections for Wall Street.

What's particularly rich is that all this came from Brown "following a speech on the need for bipartisanship in Washington." So what does Mr. Bipartisan Brown do when challenged about his campaign finances? He goes full-on Republican, saying Warren "raised money from Wall Street and from George Soros who's a convicted felon, an insider trader."  Yes, he invoked the source of all wingnut fever dreams, George Soros. As if he needed to do more to shore up his Republican credibility.

Please contribute $5 to help Elizabeth Warren get one more Wall Street senator out of office.

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