Friday, May 4, 2012

Sheriff Joe Arpaio's 'birther' investigation marches merrily on

Joe Arpaio
(Gage Skidmore/Flickr) Via HuffPo, it seems America's Dumbest Sheriff, Joe Arpaio, is not quite done humiliating himself, Arizona, and the dignity of fine upstanding conspiracy-mongers everywhere. At least, not just yet:
CBS 5 News pressed [head investibator Mike Zullo] for answers upon learning that he and the sheriff are planning another news conference in late May or early June. The announcement would come roughly three months after Arpaio released the results from his six-month probe into the validity of the president's birth certificate. The controversial announcement: the document is a fake.

"We didn't make a mistake the first time. We're not making a mistake this time,"  Zullo said.

The new findings will include data on Obama's 1980 registration for the draft. Earlier this year Arpaio sent the U.S. Selective Service System a letter which requested a loan of the original document.

Oh gawd, no. Now Zullo is hot on the trail of the Obama draft card? Just like the last time, that's not even a new conspiracy theory. It's a warmed-over past one that nobody took seriously the first 10 times it was breathlessly announced.

I imagine the main reason they won't be having a news conference until May or June is to give conspiracy nut Mke Zullo time to co-write another e-book with the King of the Crackpot Conspiracy Internetz, Jerome Corsi, in order to make a few more bucks from his "investigation." And by "investigation," I mean his collection of random thoughts gleaned from internet conspiracy thoughts and stamped with the America's Dumbest Sheriff logo in an effort to prop them up for one more go-round. No word on how the first book sold, but Corsi seems to have no trouble making a living by peddling dumb ideas to stupid people, suggesting they've got a lucrative market there.

For that reason alone, I have the sneaking suspicion that this won't be the last time we hear from Sheriff Joe's conspiracy posse. There's an election coming up, and I imagine they'll be looking at pixels from now to then, at the least, and releasing new books along the way. Arpaio would seem to be in no big hurry to wind down his little pouting effort, and for his self-selected "investigators," this is the goose that laid the golden egg. Zullo, Corsi and the others will bleed this thing for every last extractable dime. By the time October rolls around they'll be implicating Barack Obama in the Kennedy assassination.

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