Sunday, August 26, 2012

Sunday Talk: Let them eat cake!

I am not a doctor, and although I don't possess any lady parts of my own, I think I know a thing or two about how they function.

Here are a few facts to whet your appetite:

  • Women sometimes get hysterical from wanting it so bad.
  • Giving untold millions to their church makes them cry.
  • Their periods attract bears.
  • They all lack strong father figures.
  • Their mouths can say "no" while their bodies say "yes."
  • Size doesn't matter to them.
  • Nobody really knows where black babies come from.

Bottom line: Cutting taxes for big businesses and turning Medicare into a voucher program would eliminate the need for abortions'even in cases of "legitimate rape," statutory rape and incest, or when the health of the mother is in danger.

Sixty percent of the time, it works every time.

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