Thursday, May 3, 2012

Rudy Giuliani: Romney has been 'a leader' in making America safe. Huh?

Rudy Giuliani Rudy 911 (Craig Michaud/Wikimedia) When we last checked in with former New York city mayor and past Republican presidential candidate Rudy Giuliani, he was screaming "911!" at passing cars while rattling a tin cup. Not much has changed since, but here's what he has to say about Presumptive Candidate Mitt:
'It's a war that continues that we have to still be vigilant about,' Giuliani continued. 'Governor Romney certainly understands that and has from the very beginning been a leader in the effort to make certain that America remains safe.'
Wait, what? Gov. Romney has been "a leader" in the effort to make America safe? Not to get all technical here, but how do ya figure, sport?

Was it the Bain Capital days that established Mitt Romney as an anti-terrorism leader? Did he issue a slew of makin'-America-safe resolutions as Massachusetts governor that the rest of us never quite heard about? Maybe it was the Olympics; there's a whole lot of ethnic people in the Olympics, so maybe that counts as foreign policy experience. Or his innovations in high-speed pet quarantine? Is his Cayman Islands money secretly an elite team of terrorist-thumping commandos that sneak out of their vaults every night to hunt down members of al Qaeda and give them really nasty paper cuts? Help us out, Rudy, you're going to have to be a bit more specific here.

Yes, Mitt's the nominee now, but I think any efforts to build up his foreign policy credentials maybe ought to be a wee less hamhanded than Giuliani's attempt. Given that Mitt's recent expressions of expertise in the subject consist of "whatever Obama did, I wouldn't have done that" and "don't hire a gay foreign policy spokesman because it makes my base very, very crabby," I'd say those attempting to flatter Mitt on the subject have their work cut out for them.

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