Friday, May 18, 2012

Lady Republicans in the House prove how pro-lady they are by hating ladies

Goposaur in heels Oh sweet merciful Zeus, they're at it again. About a year ago, Republican women in the House of Representatives had themselves a little consciousness-raising session, "telling their own stories," trying to correct the "misconception about who are the Republican women," and declaring, "The Republican agenda is indeed pro-woman."

Well, since that went over like a lead balloon, those same women have now penned a column, insisting that "The Republican Party is the real party of American women." And if those meanie Democrats would just stop pointing out all the horrible things Republicans do and say to deprive women of their basic rights, women would finally "see that it's the Republican Party that's advancing their values, not the Democrats."

So how do the lady Republicans go about demonstrating their pro-woman bona fides? By opening with an "old joke":

There's an old joke about a married couple that's asked about their hobbies and interests. The husband says he's focused on 'important things' ' like the federal budget, health care reform and peace in the Middle East. The wife says she's focused on the 'small things' ' like their household budget, their children's health care and keeping peace within their family.
Hahahahahahahahahaha! Get it? Women care about small stuff that doesn't matter! Hahahahahah! Hilarious! And feministical!

But let's continue down this ovarian acid trip of fauxminism below the fold:

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