Tuesday, May 8, 2012

James O'Keefe scared off of New Hampshire appearance because of grand jury subpoena threat

O'Keefe caricature (DonkeyHotey) It couldn't happen to a more deserving guy who is  "27 and lives with his parents in New Jersey."
James O'Keefe III - the man behind surreptitiously recorded videos showing young men being offered the ballots of dead people for the 2012 presidential primary - said yesterday that he cannot enter the state of New Hampshire for fear he'll be subpoenaed by state attorney general. [...]

"I've been advised that if I appear physically in New Hampshire, I will be hit with a grand jury subpoena," O'Keefe told several hundred Republicans.

"Yesterday, a representative of the state of New Hampshire attempted to serve me with a criminal grand jury subpoena. My lawyer, Mike Madigan, has requested a copy of it . . . thus far the attorney general of New Hampshire has declined to provide us a copy of that."

The state Republicans really wanted to hear from him on voter fraud, in order to keep pushing their own voter suppression efforts. The state's attorney general really wants to hear from him, too, because the only real voter fraud O'Keefe can talk about is his own illegal effort to muck with the New Hampshire vote. He was all ready to tell New Hampshire Republicans all about it, until a representative of the state's attorney general's office showed up at a local conservative blogger's house, asking if O'Keefe was there.

The visit was promptly canceled, and O'Keefe gave his talk via Skype, from the safety of his parents' house.

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