Friday, October 26, 2012

Republicans determined to get Mourdock elected, God's rape babies and all

Mitt Romney and Richard Mourdock campaigning together. If Indiana Republican Richard Mourdock makes it to the Senate after his comments that pregnancies resulting from rape are "something God intended to happen," it will be because the national Republican party carried him across the finish line. And despite New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte cancelling a trip to Indiana and the long, confused, desperate silence from Mitt Romney, the party is prepared to do just that. In addition to the ad Romney made for Mourdock, which he hasn't asked to have withdrawn,
Mitch McConnell has raised big bucks for him. Chris Christie, John McCain and scores of Senate Republicans have lent Mourdock help on the stump ' and they don't appear to be abandoning him despite his controversial remarks that God intended that pregnancies resulting from rape should happen.

All told, the National Republican Senatorial Committee ' which backed Lugar in the GOP primary' will spend $5 million boosting Mourdock. Crossroads GPS, the secret-money group co-founded by Karl Rove, is expected to drop an additional $4 million into the race.

When Ayotte backed out of campaigning with Mourdock, South Carolina Sen. Jim DeMint stepped in. And again, Romney still hasn't asked Mourdock to take down the only ad Romney did endorsing any Senate candidate in the country.

Even before he made headlines with the remarks and non-apology, Mourdock was locked in a tight race with conservative Democrat Joe Donnelly, and with Todd Akin's "legitimate rape" comments having made the Missouri Senate seat that much harder to win, Republicans really need Indiana. So even though his unfortunate-for-them phrasing of what's in the Republican platform has created some uncomfortable publicity, Mourdock's their guy and they're proud to stand with him.

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