Friday, May 4, 2012

God forgives Rick Perry for 'oops moment,' says Rick Perry

Rick Perry Dear God: Please give me the wisdom to know what comes after two. (Jonathan Ernst/Reuters) Rick Perry may not be able to count to three, and he may have to issue statements that no, he wasn't on drugs that one time, he's just naturally goofy, but at least he has God's direct line on speed dial. Via Politico:
Texas Gov. Rick Perry, who memorably muttered 'oops' during a nationally televised Republican debate, said Wednesday that God forgives such moments ' even if voters don't.

'Every one of us has 'oops moments' every day,' the former presidential candidate told an Austin crowd celebrating the National Day of Prayer, according to The Associated Press. 'America may not forgive you for it, but God will.'

Actually, Rick Perry, it's highly unlikely that most of us get tripped up on counting to three every day, but hey, if that's what you need to tell yourself to feel better, go for it. Or maybe, just maybe, you could spend a little less time speaking for God and a little more time watching Sesame Street. Because as William K. Wolfrom points out:

People have no fucking idea what their cat is thinking, but they're sure they have a God all figured out.
' @Wolfrum via web

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