Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Daily Kos Elections Morning Digest: The Republican establishment starts abandoning Dick Lugar

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' IN-Sen: Resigned, it seems, to letting the jaws of defeat snap shut around Dick Lugar, one of the main outside groups propping him up is abandoning the race. Politico's Alexander Burns reports that the American Action Network has halted all advertising, with a spokesman saying: "We've decided we're going to let this race play out." Apparently, the AAN is executing a form of triage: Nameless Republican operatives say that if they're going to have to live with Richard Mourdock as their nominee, it's better to dial down the negative attacks against him now.

However, the single-candidate super PAC dedicated to supporting Lugar, Indiana Values, is still forking out plenty of dough to attack Mourdock, with two separate expenditures (see here and here) totaling a quarter million bucks. And Lugar's own campaign has been spending freely in a desperate attempt to stay alive. But in a sign of just how dire things have become, Maggie Haberman points to this flyer produced by Eric Cantor's YG Action Network on behalf of Lugar which encourages non-Republicans to vote in Indiana's open primary. As my Daily Kos colleague Barb Morrill said, it's like Operation Hilarity without any hilarity.

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