Monday, May 7, 2012

According to Kelly Ayotte's logic, she's got more experience than Mitt Romney

Official photo of Kelly Ayotte with superimposed sign reading 'Experienced' Maybe she is more qualified than Mitt
(Official photo, text added) Republican New Hampshire Sen. Kelly Ayotte makes her pitch for the Mittsakes:
Making her first appearance on NBC's Meet the Press on Sunday, Senator Kelly Ayotte, a New Hampshire Republican, said she is more ready to be president than Barack Obama was when he was a sitting senator.

"I have, some would say, better experience than Barack Obama had when he was a senator and ran' for president, Ayotte told David Gregory.

And what might some say that experience is?
The freshman senator and former attorney general for New Hampshire, Ayotte said having served as the "chief law enforcement officer" of her state and on the Senate Armed Services Committee has given her that experience needed to be president ' or perhaps vice president.
And what was it that she did as the "chief law enforcement officer" of New Hampshire? Oh yeah, she spent a good chuck of it fighting Planned Parenthood in court defending the legality of restricting access to abortion. Everybody knows that's exactly the kind of experience Mitt Romney needs to convince voters that there isn't a Republican War on Women. You know, Sarah Palin with a law degree.

But by calling attention to her experience and comparing it favorably to that of Barack Obama, Ayotte may have caused herself a little problem for herself. Remember, Obama was elected after serving four years in the U.S. Senate and eight years in the Illinois State Senate. Mitt Romney's only experience is serving four years as governor of Massachusetts, the bulk of which were spent plotting his national ambitions.

Therefore, according to Ayotte logic, she's not only got more experience than Obama had in 2008, but she's also got more experience Mitt Romney has now. And that, of course, raises an important question: if she's so much more experienced than Mitt Romney, why didn't she run for president in the first place?

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