Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Trump: Romney shouldn't disclose tax returns until Obama proves his identity

Donald Trump weighs in on the debate over whether Mitt Romney should disclose his tax returns and financial records to the public:

President Obama wants @MittRomney to hand over even more past tax returns- he should when @BarackObama reveals his college applications.
' @realDonaldTrump via web And:
.@MittRomney should not give any other further information until @BarackObama releases the things that everyone wants to see----
' @realDonaldTrump via web So I guess that's the birther's case for why Mitt Romney is right to keep his tax returns and financial records under lock and key. But former Republican Party chairman and Mississippi Gov. Haley Barbour says that if he were in Romney's shoes, he wouldn't hide his returns:
Were he in presidential candidate Mitt Romney's shoes, former Republican National Committee Chairman Haley Barbour said he would release more than two years' tax documents, something Democrats have repeatedly called on Romney to do.

"I would," Barbour said on CNN's "The Situation Room."

Of course, that's easy for Barbour to say. He doesn't know whatever it is that Mitt Romney wants to hide.

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