Friday, July 27, 2012

Mitt snubs own horse. Not cool, Mitt.

Mitt Romney flip flopping heads When you read this:
'It's a big, exciting experience for my wife. I have to tell you, this is Ann's sport,' Romney said. 'I'm not even sure which day the sport goes on. She will get the chance to see it, I will not be watching the event. I hope her horse does well.'

'But just the honor of being here and representing our country and seeing the other Olympians is ' something which I'm sure the people that are associated with this are looking forward to,' he added.

Romney's coolness towards dressage is certainly a new development. The presumptive Republican nominee has talked extensively about his love of horses, and he has been deeply involved with his wife's Olympic contender, Rafalca, in the past. The Romneys have invested hundreds of thousands of dollars in the horse, and Mitt himself personally picked the music that Rafalca 'danced' to at the World Cup.

Keep in mind this, from way back in ... oh, I mean from yesterday.
Though aides privately debated the value of leaving the country for a week in the heat of election season ' and for a trip that would, in part, likely thrust Rafalca and dressage squarely into the political limelight ' an adviser close to the discussion said the decision was already foregone. As a member of the Olympic movement, Mr. Romney has attended every games since the 2000 Olympics in Sydney, and throughout the campaign, Mrs. Romney has also expressed her enthusiasm for attending the games, especially if her beloved horse earned a berth on the United States Olympic dressage team.

Mr. Romney was always planning on attending with his wife, and the question was just whether the campaign should plan an entire foreign trip around his visit.

So this whole foreign tour was mostly an excuse to visit the Olympics while still making it look like a campaign event. The part he's playing down is the actual part of the trip that had been originally planned; the rest of it was just dreamed up by the campaign in order to make Mitt look better while doing it. Oh, the heady days of a mere day-and-a-half ago:
Mr. Romney's campaign believes that the positives outweigh the negatives. Taken as a whole, the trip abroad will allow Mr. Romney to flex his foreign policy muscle and appear presidential to voters back home as he takes meetings with a bevy of foreign leaders ranging from British Prime Minister David Cameron to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
Mitt, just go watch your horse already. Your horse is 10 times more likable than you are. Your horse is one of the few humanizing things about you. Make that horse your vice presidential nominee and be done with it.

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