Thursday, December 20, 2012

Ad paints bleak but accurate vision of a Boehner budget outcome

A third round of ads from AFSCME, SEIU and the NEA, this one It's a Wonderful Life-themed, pins House Speaker John Boehner as the bad guy in fiscal curb negotiations. The ad, backed by a six-figure buy, will run in the districts of Republican Reps. Rick Crawford of Arkansas, Mike Coffman of Colorado, John Fleming of Louisiana, Erik Paulsen of Minnesota, and Scott Rigell of Virginia, as well as on national cable.
What will happen if House Speaker John Boehner gets his way on the budget?

Welcome to Boehnerville, where the rich won't pay their fair share; our children's educations will be cut; Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security will be put at risk; and the economic recovery would falter.

Call your member of Congress and tell them to stand up for middle-class families. Because in America, everyone deserves a wonderful life.

Previous rounds of ads just before Thanksgiving and in early December targeted Democratic senators seen as potentially wobbly in addition to some House Republicans. Given that the trio of unions running the ads has been willing to push Democrats not to make cuts, maybe the ad was already made and placed before President Barack Obama put chained CPI on the table? While Boehner does want exactly what the ad lays out, Obama needs to be reminded to negotiate better and not capitulate.

Tell President Obama to take Social Security cuts off the table, in current and in future negotiations.

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