Friday, July 27, 2012

Scott Brown: A true friend to the 'wealthiest Americans'

Elizabeth Warren talks to supporters. Elizabeth Warren, hobnobbing with the 99 percent. Here's a brutal story for Sen. Scott Brown.
WASHINGTON ' Senator Scott Brown, the lone Republican in the Massachusetts delegation, sided with his party Wednesday and voted against a Democratic proposal that would allow tax cuts on the wealthiest Americans to expire but would keep in place cuts for those making less than $250,000 annually.
So much for Brown's "independence," for him being the go-to guy for the Obama administration on the really tough bills. Sure, Mitch McConnell let him vote no on the the Republican tax bill, which was bound to fail anyway. But on the bill that mattered, on the one that could pass and could finally, maybe, break the stalemate on taxes, Brown toed the party line. He stuck with his leadership and the Republicans' true leader, Grover Norquist.

He stuck with the GOP and betrayed Massachusetts. Elizabeth Warren nails it:

"Scott Brown's got it all wrong'again'voting to hold taxcuts for the middle class hostage so he could protect tax breaks for billionaires. Now was the time to stand with working families in Massachusetts but Scott Brown said "no.'"
Upgrade the Senate bug

Tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires is what this whole fight boils down to. If there was any question before which side Brown is on, it's resolved now. He just made Elizabeth Warren's job in taking back that Senate seat that much easier. Because there sure isn't any question whose side she's on.

Help Elizabeth Warren represent the 99 percent of us. Donate $3 to the Warren campaign on Orange to Blue.

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