Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Romney campaign attacks Joe Biden for criticizing 'Anglo-Saxon heritage' quote

Mitt Romney at an empty Ford Field. Joe Biden wearing sunglasses leaving a meeting in DC. Mitt Romney's campaign slams Joe Biden for condemning remarks from a Romney foreign policy adviser who said President Obama does not "fully appreciate" the "Anglo-Saxon heritage" that unites the United Kingdom and the United States:
Today, the race for the highest office in our land was diminished to a sad level when the Vice President of the United States used an anonymous and false quote from a foreign newspaper to prop up their flailing campaign. The President's own press secretary has repeatedly discredited anonymous sources, yet his political advisors saw fit to advance a falsehood. We have very serious problems confronting our nation and American families are hurting, yet the Obama campaign continues to try to divert voters' attention with specious shiny objects. We have more faith in American voters, and know they will see this latest desperate ploy for what it is.
Uh, if the quote is false, shouldn't Romneyland's beef be with the newspaper that printed it instead of lashing out at Joe Biden? But that's not what they are doing:
The Romney campaign did not respond to questions about whether it would seek a retraction of the story. The Telegraph, which stands by the piece, told TPM that the paper has not received a request from the Romney campaign to retract or correct the story.
Another option for Romneyland would be for them to publicly denounce the sentiments expressed by the adviser and to say that they will identify the source of the quotes and remove them from the campaign's inner circle. But short of either formally requesting a retraction or saying that they plan to remove the source of the quotes from their campaign operation, Romneyland doesn't have a leg to stand on when it comes to what Biden said.

p.s.: One other thing: If Romney's operation honestly believes it's so bad to cite "foreign" sources, then why did Mitt Romney approvingly quote a private comment from the Australian foreign minister to make the case that America is in decline?

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