Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Federal judge decides birth control totally makes it hard to run an air conditioning business

three types of birth control bills Oh, good lord:
The U.S. District Court for Colorado on Friday blocked the Obama administration from requiring an air-conditioning company in Colorado to provide no co-pay contraceptives to its employees, as the Affordable Care Act directs.
The company, Hercules Industries, Inc., according to the judge's order, is "engaged in the manufacture and distribution of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning ('HVAC') products and equipment."

What does that have to do with religion? Besides absolutely nothing? How exactly will the birth control mandate violate the company's religiously motivated installation of air conditioning units?

Plaintiffs will be required to provide FDA-approved contraceptive methods, sterilization procedures, and patient education and counseling for women with reproductive capacity as part of their employee insurance plan.
Oh no! Not that! Anything but that! The requirement to provide FDA-approved preventive health care for women clearly is a blatant violation of everything God, the Bible, and Jesus are all about. In fact, it comes directly from this verse in the most sacred of texts:
Oh. That's right. There's nothing in the Bible about any of that stuff because, it seems, God and Jesus weren't actually all that obsessed with denying health care to women. And didn't have much to say on United States health care policy either. Go figure.

The good news is that this decision is so dumb, there's no way it will be upheld. When a judge "wonders" aloud in his ruling whether "a corporation [can] exercise religion"'uh, no, Your Honor, not unless you can perform a circumcision on it'you have to figure that a higher court will toss this turd of a decision into the shredder where it belongs.

At least, you have to hope.

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