Wednesday, July 25, 2012

What's fatty and greasy and pretends to be a teenage girl on the internet?


It shouldn't come as any surprise after the big lie they told about the Muppets yesterday, but today the site Gizmodo has helped out an ardent support of Chick-Fil-A, allegedly a teenage girl, as a fake.

Just check out this back and forth on Chick-fil-A's Facebook page between real, breathing people and "Abby Farle", a Facebook account that was made 8 hours ago by a chicken PR flack with a stock image of a teenage girl as her profile picture:
Gizmondo outs Chick-fil-a Defender on Facebook. Gizmondo outs Chick-fil-a Defender on Facebook.(Gizmodo) Shutterstock Shutterstock Yes, the preview image in the Facebook conversation differs, but an image identical to the avatar is clearly visible here.

Really? Sock puppets, Chick-Fil-A? That's just lame.

I had noticed they seem to have an army of enthusiastic supporters defending them on postings. Their stories on Facebook and Huffington Post and elsewhere attract many more "good Christians" defending them than similar postings on Starbucks or General Mills. Perhaps they've outsourced some PR work to Opus Fidelis, the new media marketing company that works on behalf of National Organization for Marriage, on their social media presence.

It's kind of sad and pathetic, really.

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