Sunday, July 29, 2012

Elizabeth Warren: 'Why aren't we rebuilding America?'

Here's Elizabeth Warren's newest campaign ad:

We've got bridges and roads in need of repair and thousands of people in need of work. Why aren't we rebuilding America? Our competitors are putting people to work, building a future. China invests 9% of its GDP in infrastructure. America? We're at just 2.4%. We can do better. We can build a foundation for a strong new economy and get people in MA to work right now. I'm Elizabeth Warren and I approve this message. Let's go to work.
Goal Thermometer
It really is that simple. The nation's roads, bridges, electrical grid, water systems, national parks'the whole infrastructure'is crumbling. At the same time unemployment remains persistently high. Put people to work fixing the stuff that's broken. It's not rocket science.

It would be that simple, except for a Republican Party that won't do what's best for the country, won't attempt to fix these things because fixing these things might help reelect President Obama and Democrats in Congress. Furthermore, making the country work proves that government works, and Republicans want none of that.

That's where Elizabeth Warren comes in. The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that she essentially created has been showing that government can work for all Americans on all sorts of levels. She knows how to do this, and has already succeeded. Let's give her the chance to show what she can do to turn around the Senate.

Send someone with courage to the Senate. Donate $3 to the Elizabeth Warren's campaign.

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