Tuesday, July 31, 2012

Scott Brown doesn't want to talk about marriage equality

Scott Brown caricature Scott Brown (DonkeyHotey) Sen. Scott Brown, always willing to go out on a limb.
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) on Friday said he disagrees with comments made by the owner of the Chick-fil-A fast food chain.

Chick-fil-A CEO Dan Cathy told the Baptist Press last week that Chick-fil-A is "very much supportive of the family'the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family-owned business, a family-led business, and we are married to our first wives."

Brown doesn't say why he specifically disagrees with Cathy's statement, because he certainly agrees with Cathy's anti-equality position. He voted against Massachusetts' same-sex marriage law when he was in the state legislature, and has a long and problematic history on LGBT issues, even to the point of being the only member of the state's congressional delegation to not participate in their "It Gets Better" video.

Brown is well out of the mainstream with the rest of Massachusetts on this one. PPP polled the state in June and it's clear the state is happy with the law.

  • 62% of voters said they support gay marriage being legal to only 30% who think it should be illegal [...]
  • 64% say legalizing gay marriage had no impact on their lives to 20% who think it's been a positive thing and 16% who believe it's been negative.
Which is undoubtedly why Scott Brown says he disagrees with Cathy's statement, but won't say why, and won't say why he himself is adamantly opposed to marriage equality. Talking about it could hurt him politically, so when pressed, the campaign comes back with something like this: "With nearly 23 million Americans out of work, Scott Brown's top priority is putting people back to work and getting this economy going again."

Brown's trying to have his chicken and eat it too. He might not sign onto Cathy's bigoted statement about marriage equality, but he sure does agree on the substance. But he wants Massachusetts voters to forget that.

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