Thursday, May 24, 2012

Scott Walker's jobs failure belongs front and center in Wisconsin recall

Scott Walker has done a lot of bad things in his time as Wisconsin governor, but the big issue, for anyone who remains on the fence after his union-busting and his equal pay enforcement repeal and his voter suppression, has to be his poor jobs record. Dogged by Wisconsin having the worst job losses in the country under Walker, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics numbers, Walker found numbers he liked better and released them early, preventing comparisons with other states since those numbers haven't yet been released.

Wisconsin voters have to go to the polls with this in mind: Setting aside everything else, Scott Walker has not been good for his state's jobs economy. In a not-great national economy, Walker's Wisconsin has stood out as the worst, despite all of Walker's bragging about the 250,000 jobs he was going to bring to the state. A vote for Walker on June 5 is a vote to extend Wisconsin's jobs drought.

Please give $4 to help Tom Barrett defeat Scott Walker and end Wisconsin's jobs drought.

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