Thursday, November 1, 2012

Romney campaign: No, really! He loves FEMA!

U.S. Republican presidential candidate and former Governor of Massachusetts Mitt Romney addresses supporters during his Wisconsin and Maryland primary night rally in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, April 3, 2012. REUTERS/Darren Hauck Mouth open, bullshit ensuing. Newly Moderate Mitt's campaign wants you to know that really, he didn't mean it at all when he let Severely Conservative Mitt say that it was "immoral" to be spending federal money on disaster relief. If Newly Moderate Mitt becomes president, his campaign says, there will always be help. They have to say it because Romney himself has gone mum on the issue.
"A Romney-Ryan administration will always ensure that disaster funding is there for those in need," said campaign spokeswoman Amanda Henneberg. "Period."
Romney's campaign says he's not interested in getting rid of FEMA, though Romney himself ducked a spate of opportunities Tuesday to clarify his position. The campaign instead issued a statement that essentially endorsed the current disaster aid system.[...]

But what the campaign wouldn't do is say whether a President Romney would insist that help for disaster victims be funded by cutting other programs in the federal budget.

That's going to have to be magical unicorn fart funding, since the Romney/Ryan budget would cut domestic, discretionary spending from 12 percent of GDP to 3.5 percent of GDP by 2050. That's about 80 percent. So 80 percent less funding for everything? Or 90 percent cuts for a whole bunch of things, like roads, airports, prisons, education, law enforcement, embassies, student loans, unemployment insurance, etc., so that disaster aid wouldn't be cut at all? The arithmetic, it doesn't work.

The real answer is that, once again, whether its Newly Moderate or Severely Conservative Mitt, he's full of shit.

Sign our petition telling House Republicans to not take Hurricane Sandy relief hostage in lame duck negotiations.

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