Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Lady swing voters swing in anti-Romney direction

Aw, shucks. More bad news for Mitt Romney. Looks like the anti-Romney ads by Planned Parenthood Action Fund (PPFA) running in battleground states are having an impact on lady swing voters. And not in a Romney-ward direction:

According to Hart Research surveys conducted in West Palm Beach, Fla., and Des Moines, Iowa, before and after PPFA's ads ran, women who definitely recalled seeing the ads (half of women in Florida, 55 percent in Iowa) said that they were far less likely to vote for Romney than women who did not recall seeing the ads. The number of women in both states who responded that Mitt Romney is "out of step with my opinions on issues affecting women" increased by 11 percent after the PPAF ad campaign ran.
As Meteor Blades previously wrote, this election is only the third time PPFA has endorsed a presidential candidate (hint: it's not Romney), and these ads focusing on his vow to support a total ban on abortion, his vague ambivalence about equal pay for women, and his promise to "get rid of" Planned Parenthood are kicking Romney right in his Mittster:
Most significantly, in the post-ad survey, women in both states offered criticisms of Romney that came directly from Planned Parenthood's ads without actually referencing the ads, suggesting that those messages made a lasting impression. Three out of five of the most frequently volunteered criticisms of Romney were points specifically highlighted by the ads: his desire to overturn Roe v. Wade, his plan to eliminate Planned Parenthood funding and his stance (or lack thereof) on equal pay.
Not that this should worry the Romney team. Gov. Nikki Haley of South Carolina, who was a major Romney surrogate for almost three whole seconds, said that "women don't care about contraception." And according to Romney himself, his wife and chief lady adviser reports to him on what the womenfolk care about, and it's not that Romney wants to get rid of their health care.

So it's all good as far as Romney is concerned. Those lady voters out there who think Romney is "out of step with my opinions on issues affecting women" and are less likely to vote for him because of it? They're just some dumb broads who don't know what they're talking about. All Romney has to do is keep listening to his own lady advisers and everything will be just fine.

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