Friday, July 20, 2012

Michele Bachmann doubles down on the crazy

Michele Bachmann (Gage Skidmore) Michele Bachmann, not content with merely smearing Clinton Dep. Chief of Staff Huma Abedin as being a secret mole for radical Muslims (or whatever the hell the accusation was supposed to be, with Bachmann it's never quite clear), has decided that the answer to the condemnations she has received from fellow Republicans is to double down on the whole thing. Now she's explicitly accusing fellow Minnesota Congressman Keith Ellison of having similar ties. You know, because he's Muslim:
"He has a long record of being associated with [the Council on American'Islamic Relations] and with the Muslim Brotherhood," Bachmann said during an interview on Glenn Beck's radio show.

Ellison confirmed to The Huffington Post that Bachmann's accusations were completely false. "I am not now, nor have I ever been, associated with the Muslim Brotherhood," he said with a laugh.

I guess when you've agreed to be on Glenn Beck's gloomy, decaying radio show, you're expected to show up with a gift basket of conspiracy theories. Accusing anyone you don't like of having ties to the Muslim Brotherhood seems to be the one currently in style.

In the meantime, the government agencies involved have apparently politely declined Bachmann's request to investigate the super-scary Muslim-looking person who was already vetted when they took the job. This will no doubt further enrage the now-completely-off-her-rocker Bachmann, who will I hope respond by next pointing out that Chick-Fil-A sounds kinda foreign too and why is nobody investigating that.

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