Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Daily Kos/SEIU poll: Moms don't like Republicans

Mommy Goposaur Mommy Republicans? Not so much. Here's some bad news for Mitt Romney and Republicans: moms (a subset of the also not-very-attainable Lady Voters category Republicans are desperate to woo) just aren't that into them.

Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos & SEIU. 4/19-22. Registered voters. MoE: ±3.1% (4/12-15 results):

Which party do you think better represents the interests of mothers?

Democrats........................................................ 48%
Both equally....................................................... 8%
Not sure............................................................ 8%

Those numbers are almost the same among all voters, by the way, not just moms.

Remember, this poll was conducted after Republicans seized on a completely true statement about Ann Romney's never having worked (something she herself has said many times), and tried to use against President Obama and the Democrats. Suddenly, Democrats were waging a war on moms, and only Republicans respect them and the hard work they do. They even sold mom mugs!

Yeah, well, no one's buying it, especially not moms. They might not be over the moon about Democrats, but they definitely don't like Republicans. Oh, and they're not so into Mitt Romney either:

  • 43 percent of mothers intend to vote for Mitt Romney; 50 percent intend to vote for President Obama
  • 36 percent of mothers have a favorable opinion of Mitt Romney; 50 percent have an unfavorable opinion
  • 34 percent of mothers have a favorable opinion of the Republican Party;    52 percent have an unfavorable opinion
  • 47 percent of mothers have a favorable opinion of the Democratic Party; 43 percent have an unfavorable opinion

Of course, the election is still half a year away, and those numbers can change a thousand times between now and then. But so far, women aren't buying the bullshit Republicans are selling. Mitt Romney and his crack team may have devised a three-pronged strategy to make the chicks dig him, and Ann Romney, chief adviser on Stuff That Ladies Care AboutTM, may have reported back to Mitt on said Stuff That Ladies Care AboutTM, but that doesn't mean the Republican message of telling women what they should and shouldn't care about'you should care about lower taxes for the rich; you shouldn't care about access to affordable health care'is working. Because as of now, it's pretty clear that it isn't.

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