Monday, March 11, 2013

Federal workers rally against sequester; problem is, Republicans don't care unless cuts hit them

U.S. Capitol building. Yet another group of federal workers is rallying on Capitol Hill and lobbying Congress to end the sequester. This time, it's the National Active and Retired Federal Employees association; the American Federation of Government Employees and the National Treasury Employees Union did so previously.

Republicans in Congress, of course, don't give a damn what federal workers say or how their lives are being harmed any more than Republicans in Congress give a damn about the Meals on Wheels recipients who'll miss meals, or the college students who'll lose work study hours, or any of the millions of other non-wealthy people who'll be affected by sequestration. Or, for that matter, any more than Republicans in Congress give a damn about minimum-wage workers or the American economy.

No, Republicans only care about the sequester when it hits home. When Yellowstone National Park has to make cuts that will hurt tourism in Republican Rep. Cynthia Lummis's district. When White House tours are cut instead of jobs, depriving Republican members of Congress of a gift for favored donors and constituents. When border patrol hours are cut.

So, federal workers, if you want Republicans in Congress to care about what the sequester is cutting, find a way to bring it home to them. Like, all the way home. Maybe reveal that though you are a federal worker, you are also heir to an oil fortune. That sort of thing really seems to motivate these people.

Tell Republicans: Please give a damn about people, not White House tours.

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