Monday, July 16, 2012

Daily Kos Radio is on the air!

John McCain angry face Mrrah! Stop listening to Daily Kos Radio! Don't listen to this crazy old coot! Daily Kos Radio is on the air, Monday through Friday, now from 9 a.m. to noon, ET. We start with two hours of the Kagro in the Morning show from 9-11, and then it's The Ministry of Truth, with Armando Llorens, starring Jesse LaGreca from 11-12. And then it's a contest to think of better names!

Just click here or on the sometimes invisible Flash player below to listen in. And you can play program director by sending me a tweet during the show, letting me know what's in the news or on your mind. Reach me at @KagroX, and try playing the, "I type it in here, and it comes out there" game!

What'd you miss if you skipped Daily Kos Radio last week? Well, some of it was like this:

And now, the serious news from Capitol Hill for the week.

In the House

It's a Tuesday-Friday week for the House, so you won't see 'em on your TV today. And they'll be coming in late on Tuesday, voting on a small slate of suspension bills. By Wednesday, they'll get around to the real work for the week. First, the "Sequestration Transparency Act," which would give the president 30 days to submit a report to Congress detailing targeted cuts that would bring the budget in line with the mandatory "across-the-board" cuts outlined in the budget and debt ceiling deal of last summer. Of course, "across-the-board" is likely to end up exempting the military, and taking an extra bite out of social spending, instead. And that's the point (if there is one) of this exercise. To force the president to specify cuts, and for the Republicans to then complain about them. No word so far on what happens if the president just says, "Go Cheney yourselves." But he probably won't do that, because he's such a responsible guy. Anyway, it's worth noting that they're going to try to pass this thing under suspension of the rules, meaning they'll need a 2/3 vote. I don't know whether this is actually something with bipartisan support, or whether they're setting it up to fail, so that Republicans can yell at Democrats for opposing "transparency."

The other, larger piece of business that will take up the balance of the week is the Department of Defense appropriations bill. Imagine juxtaposing that with this sequestration thing, given that Republicans are going to try to undo the military-related portions of the "across-the-board" cuts! Gee whiz! Anyway, the bill looks to be coming to the floor under an open rule, so it'll take them the better part of the week to get through all the likely amendments. One such fight I've been tipped to that we're likely to see: the battle over funding for military branch sponsorships of professional sports.

In the Senate

The Senate will actually be in session today, and will start the week with two votes. First, a vote to confirm Kevin McNulty to be United States District Judge for the District of New Jersey. Second, a cloture vote on the motion to proceed to consideration of the new and improved DISCLOSE Act. The outcome of the second vote will give us some idea of how the rest of the week will go, and what they'll be working on. If anything.

On the Radio

Remember, Daily Kos Radio now has TWO shows every Monday through Friday morning! I start off the first two hours with the Kagro in the Morning show from 9-11 a.m. ET, and I'm followed by Armando Llorens and Jesse La Greca, with The Ministry of Truth from 11-12.

We'll start the morning sane and level-headed, with the always informative (and let's not leave out entertaining) DemFromCT, with a polling and issues update. What happens after that is anybody's guess. But here's mine: Bain, Bain, and more Bain. Yes, we can't get enough of Bain. And perhaps more specifically, we'll be talking about Bain #retroactively. I'm sure there'll be other news. We just might not care very much about it, when there's comedy gold right in front of us.

But by all means, if you've had enough and think we should be dogging some other story, reach out and let me know! Try me on Twitter: @kagrox.

Tune in by clicking here or on the player below, and start wasting your day right! And if you miss the show, be sure to check in at the Daily Kos Radio group page for podcasts and highlights!

And here are a few more exclamation points for you, in case that wasn't enough: !!!!!

The Daily Kos Radio Player

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