Saturday, May 5, 2012

Scott Brown campaign lies about 'amazing' basket, and stuff that matters, too

That's video released by Sen. Scott Brown's campaign to show his amazing (and at the same time totally regular guy who loves sports) half-court basketball shot. Except, well, maybe not so amazing.
Sinking a half-court shot is the latest testament to 'Downtown Scotty Brown's'' basketball prowess, but it turns out it wasn't quite the lucky basket it appeared to be.

An aide confirmed for the Globe Thursday that Brown sunk the shot, but on the fifth attempt.

There's also a teensy problem that it was a Senate staffer rather than a campaign staffer, and the campaign is using this video for the campaign and that's kind of blurring the line on ethics. But that's minor, as is the whole "amazing" bit considering it did take five tries to make it happen.

Brown lies about the little stuff, but he lies about the big stuff, too. Like when he said the stimulus bill "didn't create one new job." Or that he didn't cover his adult daughter under Obamacare, but under Romneycare. There's a good litany of sort of casual lies provided by ProgressMass, from the giving up drinking beer, to not watering down the Dodd-Frank financial reform bill. His lies occasionally veer into the bizarre, like his insistence that Rachel Maddow was going to run against him.

Probably the most important lie, though, is that he's an independent, bipartisan kind of guy. You only need to look at the litany of lies to know that's not true. He's a Republican through and through.

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