Saturday, May 5, 2012

President Obama declares a 'new chapter in Afghanistan'

Afghanistan and beyond is the focus of this week's address by President Obama. Saying that this week he signed "an historic agreement that will help us complete our mission and end the war," the president noted his time in Afghanistan with the troops:

As Commander-in-Chief, nothing is more humbling or inspiring than the chance to spend some time with our troops. At Bagram Air Base, I visited with some of our outstanding men and women in uniform. I thanked them for their extraordinary service. And I let them know that America honors their sacrifice.
... and then asks what awaits them when they return home.
As a new greatest generation returns from overseas, we must ask ourselves, what kind of country will they come back to? Will it be a country where a shrinking number of Americans do really well while a growing number barely get by? Or will it be a country where everyone gets a fair shot, everyone does their fair share, and everyone plays by the same set of rules ' a country with opportunity worthy of the troops who protect us?
... and then pivots to Congress and what needs to be done for all Americans:
I don't think we should prioritize things like more tax cuts for millionaires while cutting the kinds of investments that built a strong middle class.

That's why I've called on Congress to take the money we're no longer spending at war, use half of it to pay down our debt, and use the other half to rebuild America.

Because we've got more jobs to create. More students to educate. More clean energy to generate. More entrepreneurs with the next great idea, just looking for their shot at success. We've got to invest in things like education and medical research. We've got to build newer, faster transportation and communication networks. And we've got to secure the care and benefits our veterans have earned, so that we serve them as well as they have served us.

Complete transcript below the fold.

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