Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Paycheck Fairness is 'a distraction' according to Fox News' Dana Perino

Dana Perino Dana Perino, in her days as George W. Bush's
mouthpiece (White House photo)

Former George W. Bush press secretary and current Fox News personality Dana Perino explains why the Paycheck Fairness Act, rather than leveling the playing field for women currently facing wage discrimination, is all a big distraction as politics and as policy:

Well that it's just yet another distraction of dealing with the bigger, major financial issues that this country should try to be dealing with. This is not a job creator. This will actually'there is an argument that it could actually hurt women. I'm for equal pay for women for doing the work that they do. I'm also for flexibility for women to be able to go to different companies, shop around for where they want to work for the best sort of benefits they can get or some flexibility, because women are also helping raise the next generation of people. Interesting story in The Wall Street Journal today that there is an amazing crop of women right now that are on the verge of becoming CEO in the next five to ten years.
Whoa, hold up. Dana Perino is concerned that Congress might vote on a bill that's not a job creator? Where has this concern been every single time the John Boehner House has done any damn thing, since you know they haven't been passing job creation bills? Because this is a very high standard to demand that every bill create jobs, that only going as far as making it more likely people will be paid fairly for the work they do is insufficient to rate as anything better than a distraction.

But never mind that. Dana Perino, a woman making loads of money, says that within five to 10 years there will be a significant increase in the tiny number of women making loads of money as CEOs. Therefore legislation to help the vast majority of women who are not CEOs or Fox News commentators get fair pay is a distraction from "the bigger, major financial issues that this country should try to be dealing with" because women should "shop around for where they want to work for the best sort of benefits they can get or some flexibility." Yeah, women trying to pay the rent and feed their kids and faced with the choice between unemployment and unequal wages can just go "shop around."

It's just that easy, right? But in Dana Perino's experience, it probably is.

Tell your senators to vote for the Paycheck Fairness Act.

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