Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Daily Kos/SEIU State of the Nation Poll: Majority of Democrats support marriage equality

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Thanks to Joe Biden's recent comments and an ongoing national effort to make same-sex marriage an official plank of the Democratic platform, marriage equality is a pressing topic. In this week's Daily Kos/SEIU poll from Public Policy Polling, we asked for voters' views on the issue:

Public Policy Polling for Daily Kos & SEIU. 5/3-6. Registered voters. MoE: ±3.1% (no trendlines):

Q: What is your personal position on legal rights for same sex couples?

Support gay marriage: 37
Support civil unions but not gay marriage: 29
Opposed to any legal recognition for gay couples: 28
Not sure: 6

A plurality support gay marriage, and a majority support some form of legal recognition. Most interesting, though, are the numbers among self-identified Democrats:
Support gay marriage: 53
Support civil unions but not gay marriage: 21
Opposed to any legal recognition for gay couples: 18
Not sure: 8
A wide majority of Democrats now support gay marriage. Make no mistake about it: If Barack Obama does not come out in favor of same-sex marriage before November, he will be the last Democratic presidential nominee who does not campaign on marriage equality'ever. Democrats have made it clear where they stand. The only question is when, not whether, their president joins them.

P.S. As always, our approval and favorability numbers can be found on our weekly trends page.

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