Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Birthers will never, ever die. Iowa GOP platform kowtows to the brainless pukes of its party

photo of Iowa GOP official Don Racheter Don Racheter: Iowa GOP platform provision
 "a shot at" Obama. There were a couple of minutes back when Barack Obama released his long-form birth certificate that I actually thought the birther brigade would finally shut up. They had gotten everything they asked for. Against the counsel of some of his advisers, the president had done what no other president in history had done, no other presidential candidate in history had ever done. He had proved with verified documentation that he was actually, truly, really, really, really born in the United States, the offspring of an American citizen and thus eligible to serve in the office for which other American citizens in their millions had chosen him.

That should have been the end of the story. The president proved what anybody with half a brain and absent a racist political agenda already knew to be true. He was just as American as the rest of us. The amateur and professional purveyors of the Kenyan birth conspiracy tale and all its permutations ought right then and there to have dropped to their knees and apologized to everyone within earshot.

But. No.

(Continue reading below the fold)

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