Monday, October 1, 2012

New questions emerge about Mitt Romney's run-in with the law

U.S. Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney sails along the Mississippi River in the pilot house of the Spirit of Dubuque in Dubuque, Iowa, June 18, 2012. Helping Romney is river boat captain Mike Gansmer.   REUTERS/Larry Downing    (UNITED STATES - Tags: POLITICS ELECTIONS) Mitt Romney: Out for a joyride or running from the law? If Mitt Romney would just unseal all those secret records of his, we could clear up so much. Like what his taxes really look like. Like whether Seamus really went to "live on a farm." Like the true breadth and depth of Mitt's criminal record.

Oh yes. His criminal record:

According to what Romney told the Boston Globe in 1994, he had taken his family off to Wayland, Mass.'s Lake Cochituate, about an hour outside Boston, for a summer excursion. As Romney prepared to put his family boat into the water, a park officer told Romney not to launch because his license appeared to have been painted over. The officer told Romney if he put his boat into the water he would face a $50 fine.
Romney felt that his license was still visible and decided to ignore the order from the officer and pay the fine.

"I figured I was at the state park with my kids. My five kids were in the car wondering why we weren't going out in the boat, so I said I'd launch and pay the fine,' Romney said in 1994.

And since Mitt figured it was an awfully inconvenient time for him to follow the law, for Pete's sake, he decided to just go ahead and break it and pay whatever silly little fines would be imposed. And then accuse the police offer who arrested him for disorderly conduct of "false arrest." And then threaten to sue. And then demand to have the records sealed. And then claim it was all some silly misunderstanding because the charges were dropped and he was released without even having to pay bail, and thus he was fully exonerated, so there.

Except, as in every other instance, when it comes to Mitt Romney, that might not exactly be the whole story. Because look what Blue Mass Group found:

A police log report, published in the Natick Sun newspaper in 1981 and obtained by Blue Mass Group, calls into question a portion of Mitt Romney's account of his arrest in 1981.  When news of the arrest emerged during Romney's 1994 Senate race, Romney told the Boston Globe that he was released after his arrest without having to post bail, but the police log suggests that that may not be true.

The police log also says that Romney was charged with operating an unregistered motorboat.  Previously, the only offense Romney was known to have been charged with was disorderly conduct.

So now we've got one set of unsealed, available-to-the-public records that seem to contradict what Romney insists is in those sealed-per-Mitt's-request, not-available-to-the-public records. Huh.

Well, maybe after Mitt releases his tax records, he can unseal his criminal record so we can try to get to the bottom of what appears to be yet another Mitt Romney lie.

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