Monday, August 27, 2012

Jake Tapper demonstrates why the media is useless

ABC reporter Jake Tapper appeared on conservative talker Laura Ingraham's radio show the other day. And he made many statements that, in my view, demonstrate why the media is useless. Which is not to say that the media does not matter. But first a review of what Tapper had to say.

Consider the first clip of Tapper played by Ingraham. Tapper asks President Obama:

With the economy and unemployment still the focus of so many Americans, what can they expect in the next couple of months out of Washington, if anything, to bring more economic growth [...]
Fine. A rather obvious question with an obvious answer. With a Republican Congress hell bent on thwarting the president at every turn, nothing will be done until after the election. Was Tapper inviting the president to take on Congress on the issue? I'm afraid not. Tapper intended to put the president on the spot on what he was going to do. Well, the president sensibly answered:
In terms of the economy [...] I would love to see the Congress engage in a flurry of activity. I can't guarantee that.
In fact, the president can guarantee Congress will do nothing. Ingraham asked Tapper if he was satisfied with the president's answer. His response? "I was surprised that there wasn't more of a list of things that he would want to have accomplished." I see. Tapper was looking to hear Obama's stump speech rather than an honest answer to the actual question he asked -- what will happen in the next few months. Amazing. A reporter asking to be lied to. Tapper knows the answer of what is going to happen in Congress in the next few months. Nothing. And not because the president wants nothing done. Quite the opposite. But Tapper chose to either be a fool or play one on TV.

(Continue reading below the fold.)

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