Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Republican Gov. Brownback admits Romney welfare ads are false

ThinkProgress caught Kansas Gov. Sam Brownback this morning admitting to MSNBC's Kris Jansing, that Mitt Romney's welfare ads are a lie.

Here's the key part:
JANSING: But you agree that these claims that the work requirement has been abolished are false?

BROWNBACK: As far as I have seen, but I don't know all of the basis to it. [Blah, blah, big government blah, blah.]

The directive from President Obama doesn't abolish the work requirement at all, but gives governors the kind of flexibility plenty of Republican governors have been demanding to restructure the work requirements for receiving welfare assistance. In fact, a couple of Republican governors, including Michigan's Mitch Snyder and Utah's Gary Herbert admit they asked for that flexibility, though neither were put on the spot like Brownback to admit the big lie.

Every fact checker who's bothered to check has debunked the ads, which the Romney campaign refuses to pull.  Because, after all, as Meteor Blades writes, they say it's "their most effective ad" and they're "not going to let our campaign be dictated by fact checkers."

Meaning they're not going to let the campaign be constrained by anything like the truth.

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