Thursday, August 30, 2012

GOP convention cheers people they'd never vote for

Former U.S. Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice speaks during the third session of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida August 29, 2012. REUTERS/Eric Thayer Condi Rice: Bringing down the house, as long as she's not on the ticket. The energy last night at the Republican convention during Condi Rice's speech was undeniable. She had the place rocking. While Gov. Chris Christie had to beg attendees to get off their feet, Condi played her audience like a violin. It was a virtuoso performance, far eclipsing anything that supposed conservative wunderkind Paul Ryan was able to offer later in the evening.

In other words, a pro-choice woman who acknowledges the existence of global climate change and doesn't hate gay people got a better reception at the Republican convention than Ann Romney, Chris Christie or Paul Ryan. I joked about that last night:

I suspect crowd would swap Ryan out for Condi right now, even though she's pro-choice and believes in climate change.
' @markos via TweetDeck

... and immediately had pushback from prominent conservatives laughing off the notion. Never! The woman that had them enthralled in the convention hall would never get the time of day if she were actually running.

Er no. RT @markos: I suspect crowd would swap Ryan out for Condi right now, even though she's pro-choice and believes in climate change."
' @JonahNRO via web

And they're right, of course. I was being facetious. Condi Rice could've been the single vice presidential choice for Romney that could've made this a competitive race again, yet they collectively freaked out when Drudge floated the possibility.

I doubt Romney is seriously considering Rice, because it seems so obvious that she would be a disastrous pick.
So remember that tonight when the least impressive special mystery guest ever, Clint Eastwood, takes the stage. He's certainly no zombie hologram Ronald Reagan. I still weep at what might've been had they gone in that direction, as so many of us fervently hoped.

But Clint? There's the fact that he was considered a traitor to his party after he cut that pro-auto bailout ad for the Super Bowl.

Agh. WTH? Did I just see Clint Eastwood fronting an auto bailout ad??? #SuperBowl
' @michellemalkin via TweetDeck

But aside from that, Eastwood is pro-marriage equality and pro-choice. He doesn't really seem to do the Christian "family values" thing'he has seven kids from five different women, only two of which he married. I don't give a shit. But those people in the convention hall right now pretend they do.

Oh, and he doesn't even like the Republican Party.

I was an Eisenhower Republican when I started out at 21, because he promised to get us out of the Korean War. And over the years, I realized there was a Republican philosophy that I liked. And then they lost it. And libertarians had more of it. Because what I really believe is, let's spend a little more time leaving everybody alone.
But watch'the supposedly Hollywood-hating conservatives tonight will go nuts when Eastwood hits the stage. Because at a bizarre convention full of contradictory speeches (Love, but don't love!) and businessmen who built that (with government money, and can they please get more?), there may be no crazier spectacle than seeing people go wild over people they would never allow on a ballot.

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