Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Washington Post-ABC poll: Support for Obamacare increasing

The Supreme Court's stamp of approval on the Affordable Care Act could be contributing to a shift in public opinion on the law itself. Today's Washington Post-ABC News poll found an eight point gain in support for the law since April.

Americans split evenly on the Supreme Court's recent 5 to 4 decision upholding Obama's health-care law, with 42 percent approving of the decision and 44 percent opposing it. But in a significant change, the legislation is now viewed less negatively than it was before the ruling. In the new survey, 47 percent support the law and 47 percent oppose it. In April, 39 percent backed it and 53 percent opposed it.
Taken into consideration with the Kaiser Family Foundation polling showing that a healthy majority of Americans'56 percent'want to move on and have this law implemented, maybe the Republicans might want to rethink that whole repeal as their reason for being thing. Like that'll happen.

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