Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Michigan won't be suppressing voters this election

Rick Snyder Rick Snyder Michigan's Republican Gov. Rick Snyder isn't going to be invited to many Republican cocktail parties now. He's proved himself insufficiently committed to keeping would-be Democratic voters away from the polls by vetoing three voter suppression bills passed by the Republican-dominated legislature this session.

The vetoed bills required voters present photo ID to pick up an absentee ballot, required voters to check a box on their ballot affirming their U.S. citizenship, and imposed restrictions on third-party registration organizations that would have curtailed voter registration drives.

Snyder in a release said he appreciates the issue of ensuring voters are eligible and U.S. citizens, but believes the bills would have created voter confusion among absentee voters.

Snyder also said he supports the concept of training individuals involved in voter registration, but said the changes with the registration of third party voter registration organizations, and the timing and training of those entities, may cause confusion with ongoing voter registration efforts.

How did the Republican sponsor of the bill respond to this betrayal? With some crazy, of course.
'It is not unreasonable to expect that people handling voter registrations should receive some basic training. People who believe they are registering to vote should have confidence in the process so they know their registrations are being handled properly. Antics by unscrupulous groups such as ACORN have proven that protecting the voter registration process is vital if we hope to preserve the integrity of ballots cast by every eligible voter,' he said in a release.
ACORN!!! Which of course no longer exists, and which never interfered with the integrity of cast ballots. Because when some bad apple ACORN workers filled out voter registration forms for Donald Duck, Donald Duck wasn't going to be showing up at any polling station to try to vote. Never mind, that, ACORN!!!!!!

The legislature would have to muster a two-thirds majority to override Snyder's a veto, a hurdle the House is unlikely to clear.

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