Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Today in Congress: lunch, followed by a filibuster of the Paycheck Fairness Act

U.S. Capitol at daybreak, Jan. 22, 2012. Photo by Mark Noel (mark.noel@mindspring.com). Recapping yesterday's action:

The House was not in session yesterday.

The Senate was in session, and confirmed the nomination of Timothy Hillman as a District Court Judge for the District of Massachusetts.

I have always been puzzled as to why the Senate wrap-ups insist there were no executive items considered on days when they vote on judicial nominations. Those are executive calendar items. I know the votes are listed under Roll Call Votes, and maybe it's just duplicative to list it twice. But if you're going to have a section for executive business, then list the executive business. Not that it's a huge deal or anything. But if there's not going to be any legislative business worth writing about, I'm going to end up focusing on this, instead. You can't stop me!

See, even in writing, this is a radio show at heart.

Looking ahead to today:

The House will kill time waiting for Members to return from their districts by reading through the Energy & Water Development appropriations bill for amendments. Any amendments offered will be debated and have any roll call votes postponed until after 6:30. In addition, they'll run through debate on some, if not all, of the 10 suspension bills scheduled, putting votes on those off for later as well.

The Senate has on its plate a 2:15 cloture vote on the motion to proceed to the Paycheck Fairness Act. Why 2:15? We talked about it a week or two ago, remember? That's when the Senators finish their weekly caucus luncheons. So that's when they'll vote on (and end up blocking) the official beginning of debate on the bill. Lunch, then War on Women.

Today's floor and committee schedules appear below the fold.

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